Must Do:
- default loan amount when double-clicking loans or using the "add to basket" button
- set username
- saved searches
- quick loading on heroku servers
- new loans are not discovered after initial load
- bonus credit criteria does not work
- cannot do zero percent female, it sets it to max (bigger issue, similar things with other crit)
- before go-live, new site needs to convert old options and saved searches to new storage methods
- partner name search/exact search
- if loans in basket while loading loans and go to /basket it errors
- basket/:id doesn't work when loading to that page (or backing into it)
To Do:
- default % to tip kiva
- https always
- break About into tabs
- have strikeout and other styling indicate which drop down options are not available for any loan or just currently selected loans
- some strangeness on double-slider when clearing (mostly cleared without the debounce)
- adjust basket amount (not current KL feature)
- refresh the basket data and clean funded loans when page is loaded
- GA view and basket data
- clear up About info